Powered by ValueSoft
➤ Send Invoices and Outstanding to customers through WhatsApp.
➤ Auto Email Sale Bills to Customers and Purchase Orders to Suppliers.
➤ SMS of Bill/Payment receive and Bulk SMS of dues to multiple parties.
➤ All reports can be exported and emailed in Excel/PDF/Image format.
➤ Join the new trends of business "on time GST Filing "!
➤ Generate GSTR1/GSTR3B in JSON/Excel/CSV
➤ Reconciliation of GSTR2A , 2B with Purchase Books.
➤ Reconcile GSTR-1 and GSTR-3B with Sales Books.
➤ Generate e-Waybill and e-Invoice easily.
➤ Compare your current purchase from previous purchase.
➤ See list of Inactive Customers which were active earlier.
➤ See Active Customers Sale Performance with respect to previous sale.
➤ Get insights about the top performing / underperforming Products/Parties/Company.
➤ See profit - of a Period, of a Party, of a Product, of a Company, of an Area.
➤ Its take backup to Google Drive automatically without doing any inturrption in your work.
➤ You can setup your google drive backup like Daily, Alternate days or Weekly.
➤ You can download, restore and delete your google drive backup easily,
while it shows all valuesoft backup files on screen.
➤ Order Printing -> Arranging Goods -> Bill Audit -> Packing -> Delivery
➤ Smooth and Effortless Delivery of goods to your customers
➤ Monitor productivity of your employees
➤ See status of Customer orders in Software/Mobile App
➤ Real time information of orders to your customers
The mobile revolution has changed the way you do your business. You don't need to ask telephonically about business from your staff rather you can check each and every entry and report on ValueSoft eOwner Mobile App. Taking order telephonically from your customers is a cumbersome process now your Customers can use eRetailer Order App for free. A notification will come on your mobile and in software and will be downloaded as soon as you get an order. In simple words, manage and carry your business on Mobile. A best mobile App for small and medium business in its class.
ValueSoft is a GST ready billing & accounting software in India. It has all MIS reports. GST Return Filing is very easy from this software. It is one of the best and easy billing software for GST purpose. This GST billing software is free for small business. Free Download is available.
Easy to Use, Simple to Learn
Using ValueSoft is extremely simple. There is no need of technical knowledge or Accounting knowledge. There are many settings available which you can use according to your business.
Saves precious Time and Enegry
There are many features in ValueSoft that saves time and effort such as Purchase Invoice Import Facility, GSTR1 direct Upload, GSTR2A, 2B reconcilliation of multiple months.
Ready for Future
Changes are sure to happen. We live and breathe innovation and constantly adopt new toos. We bring the latest update to keep the software updated.
Excellent Customer Service
We believe that “A satisfied customer is the best business strategy". We provide 100% guaranteed customer support by various measures.
For businesses with Rs. 20 crore+ turnover*. Simplify your e-Invoicing with India's best e-Invoicing Software
Read MoreEasy & Fast Billing
A good billing/invoicing software can help in saving time and making decision at the time of Sale. It can also boost your company reputation. There are several customized solution in ValueSoft to fulfil specific needs and requirements of different trades.
GST Reports and Returns
There is no need to use external systems for GST Returns. You can file GSTR-1, GSTR-3B directly from software or generate JSON file to upload on Portal or export data to CSV/Excel format to use in GST Return Offline Tool read more...
Accounting Features
It has all the Accounting Feature, Vouchar Entry to Balance Sheet, that is needed for your business. You are able to use accounting with minimal effort and a small learning curve. It provides easy-to-understand information that can be used to make better business decisions read more...
Breakage/Expiry System
Supplier wise/Company Wise Damage Received Report, Near Expiry, Expired Products Report, Self Breakage System, Tagging a party to another party, Option of issuing memo/credit note to customers are some features.
Order Management
Preparation of Short List based either on reorder level or on sale and current stock, Preparation of Supplier or Company wise Order with valuation. Take orders from customers, convert them to Bills.
There are several Backup features that ensures that your data is secure. There is facility of AutoBackup to server. Restore the backup when needed.
Flexible Printing
Printing facility is available for all printers like laser, dot matrix. User can set his own Sale bill format with logo,signature,watermark. Printing of All reports can be configured according to need.
Invoice Import and Export
You can import purchase invoice from csv/xls file provided by the supplier. You can also export sale bill in csv/xml format for customers. It will save your precious time.
MIS Reports
Profit analysis (bill /company /area /item wise), Supplier and Customer Outstanding report with ageing analysis. Non-movable stock report. Product Sale Statement (Area/Party/Company Wise). Active/Inactive Customers List.
(Limited edition with limited features)
With Limited Features
₹ 9500 only
(Limited edition)
₹ 3000 per extra user
With Basic Features
₹ 12500 only
(Single user)
₹ 3000 per extra user
₹ 24000 (unlimited user)
With all Features
₹ 1600 per year 1
(Single user)
₹ 1200 per year for extra user
ValueSoft CSR App - ₹ 0
ValueSoft Retailer App - ₹ 0
*All the prices mentioned above are GST included. 1Terms and conditions apply
A good billing software saves the use's time and effort. You can make bill easily and quickly in few click. As you save bill multiple reports are prepared by software like account ledger, outstanding, sale analysis etc. With professionally designed invoice design you can stand out among competitors.
ValueSoft billing software is the best tool for small and medium business owners (MSME). It helps users managing their finances, accounts and GST returns. A good software saves cost in long run.
We have multiple solution for each type of customers. You can download free trial version of software. Our team will help you to use this software. For more information you can check our price list page.
There are many good biling software in india like Tally, Zoho etc. ValueSoft is one of the best billing software in India. We provide solutions related to billing, accounting, GST return.
Valuesoft provides free trial version of software. We provide initial training to users in trial version. For micro-businesses, where there are very few billing, we provide free software.
There are many good software in india like Tally, Zoho etc. ValueSoft is one of the top inventory and billing software in India. Creating bill is very easy in this software. You get all inventory reports like stock report batch wise, stock summary, goods ledger, dump stock report, expiry report etc.